Craig Steelman's Top Blog Posts

A list of my best performing, recent, and favorite blog posts from the past 20 years.

Craig's Favorites

Andrew The Show Lamb Escapes The Freezer!
A Story About my first Show Lamb

Texas Rainbow Trout Fishing

Google Organic SEO Traffic Top Page Rankings

Hunting Public Land in Texas



Texas Hill Country Music Venues


Spring Black Bear Hunting In Idaho


Austin Arcades



I learned to fix computers and code at an early age, and spend a modest amount of time on the computer in high school in college, but was a Political Science major and very briefly enrolled in law School. Then the dot com boom hit. I packed my bags for Californai, and I got suckerd into becoming an IT consultant. In the early days I mainly fixed computers and computer networks. Over the years I have become a web developer and run digital marketing campaigns.

Photos & Video

Happy Clients


Tennis | Golf | Fishing | Hunting | Skiing | Chess | Pedi Cab | Farming | Cooking